It’s important we make sure we keep our skills and knowledge up-to-date in both rescue techniques and home rehabilitation. Taronga Zoo Wildlife Hospital Manager, Libby Hall, is set to come to Perth in October to run a 2-day comprehensive seabird workshop for our volunteers in Perth and another one for our volunteers in Albany.
We’re still trying to get the funds together so are looking for sponsorship or donations to help make this happen. If you know of anyone who could provide sponsorship please get in touch with our treasurer by email:
If each of our followers donated just $2 we would have enough to cover these workshops.
We’re still selling tea towels and bags with artwork done by the Years 4 & 5 students at Quintilian School & Mount Claremont Primary School in Mount Claremont, and Glencoe Primary School in Halls Head. If you are interested in these please email for details.
Our aim is to get enough to cover all our expenses – flights from Sydney to Perth return, flights Perth to Albany return, venue hire, meals & accommodation in Perth & Albany, catering & venue hire, as well as printing of course notes. Taronga Zoo have approved Libby’s travel so will cover the cost of her wages.
WA Seabird Rescue is a NFP registered charity run entirely by volunteers. We do not receive funding from any government body and rely on donations by our generous supporters and our own fundraising events to cover our costs.
If you would like to donate there are several ways:
1. Through our donation platform at GiveNow:
2. Direct bank transfer –
Name: Western Australian Seabird Rescue
BSB: 633 000
A/C No.: 139577217
3. By cheque made out to –
“Western Australian Seabird Rescue”
and sent to: PO BOX 43, Bayswater WA 6933
4. For tax deductible donations:
Online through Western Australian Wildlife
Rehabilitation Council –
Please specify your donation is for WASR